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God's invitation

by Anna Sublet
May 2nd, 2013

When No does not mean No

Kids love a party invitation. Coloured balloons, a personal message. But 6 year old Leah did not know what to think when she received a special message about God's love in the playground at school last week. This is one party to which her parents had already said no. So how did she come to be invited?

You're special

Leah’s parents chose for her to not take part in Special Religious Instruction classes at their local state school. So, Lara and Mark were stunned when their daughter Leah said "Look what Zoe gave me!" on the way home from school.

An invitation to learn of God's love. Photo supplied by Lara (surname withheld)

Spreading God's love

Leah's parents had requested that she not attend SRI sessions, but here they were receiving messages from children within the SRI class. The 'invitation' prompted Leah to ask her parents about God. They are angry that their daughter has been exposed to such a message. Lara said "if the volunteer is using things like this to spread 'God's love' then it is wrong.  Zoe has been used as a vehicle to spread the volunteer's message outside of the SRI classroom."

ACCESS Ministries provides approximately 97% of SRI classes within Victoria and volunteers sign an agreement which prohibits proselytising, specifically "Not asking students to proselytize or evangelize within their school." 

Lara and Mark write "this is exactly what has occurred with our daughter." 

Parents request urgent meeting

Leah's parents have written to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) requesting an urgent meeting. In their letter they wrote "This has angered us. It directly highlights the unprofessionalism and thoughtlessness of the SRI volunteer.  Not only that, but it also brings into question the quality of the SRI curriculum." 

They have asked for suspension of classes within the primary school until the teaching materials have been reviewed by DEECD.

Bibles tell stories 'that are all true!'

Along with workbooks, CDs and teaching sheets, the SRI teaching materials include ‘The Big Rescue Bible,' distributed by the Bible Society of Australia.

"Read the BIG Rescue Bible and find out how God saves people and a planet that can't save themselves."

Image supplied by parent (name withheld), used with permission of Bible Society of Australia

One particular message is definitive-"The Big Rescue Bible is a book put together especially for you.  In this book you will find the most incredible stories to read and think about. And all of them are true!"p.5

This is the Word

In setting up such an unquestioning approach to learning about faith, this publication walks a fine line towards proselytising.

Kids are welcomed to the Bible stories:. "And all of them all true!"
Scan supplied by parent (name withheld), used with permission of Bible Society of Australia

'When people hear about God they start to change and want to be friends with God,' the Big Rescue Bible says. The aim is to spread the knowledge of God's love and invite others to experience this love.

This is what Zoe's message to Leah was about. Zoe, being a good friend and unaware of her role, has been used to spread the Word.

Children get the message that they should change to be friends with God.
Scan supplied by parent (name withheld), used with permission of Bible Society of Australia

Two prominent academics have recently issued critiques of the teaching methodology and curriculum content of ACCESS materials. Prof Marion Maddox finds a clear aim to convert students stating "My assessment is that the material before me would clearly convey to non-Christian students that...not being a Christian is inferior to being a Christian and that they should...convert." 

Dr David Zyngier has analysed the curriculum finding "The teaching materials do not support the AusVELS, (Aust/Victorian Essential Learning Standards) nor do they reflect the recommended Victorian teaching and learning principles." 

Party on

The challenge now is for parents unhappy with this curriculum to call on the Department of Education to bring ACCESS to account. The Department supposedly oversees these curriculum materials.

But will DEECD come to the party, and will they invite ACCESS? It remains to be seen who is calling the tune here, the DEECD or the disciples of ACCESS Ministries. It certainly isn't the parents, or their children.

For a further discussion of curriculum issues and the history of SRI, see my blog Ring the Bells.

More information:

Parents group Fairness in Religion in Schools, FIRIS

ACCESS Ministries

(c) Anna Sublet


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