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Can't see the fence for the trees

At one stage, I wanted a proper fence for our little picket fence home. Our tiny front garden was on a busy suburban street, so to make to the most of it I thought we could get a higher fence, with an electric gate to the driveway. It would keep the balls in, the kids safe from wanderings, and we could drive straight in from the road.

Two quotes later and we were looking at $8,000-$10,000! For essentially a straight picket wooden fence. The electric gate added some cost-reinforced steel frame etc-but the quotes were prohibitive. No way.

So our barren, bereft front garden stayed exposed and underused, until I decided to get a few native trees. About three years ago, I went to the nursery with my simple plan. Less than two hundred dollars later, I had the beginnings of my fringe of leaves.

Burgundy Agonis, or Agonis Flexuosa, Westland's Burgandii 'Touch of Class'! Leptospermum petersonii, 'Copper Glow.' Leptospermum Morrisonii 'White Opal.' Another which flanks the sides of the house, sticky, sweet, dripping, green-fronded leaves. Callistemon, my red bottlebrush droops at each gate. Two little Chamelaucium uncinatum, Purple Pride under the windows. Discrete bushes, one of which discreetly died.

The other day I watched the wildlife, yes there's wildlife, in our garden. A game of cat and mouse played out, with an exotic small tiger stalking a frightened tree mouse. Spiders make their webs, and birds flit about. The screen of foliage glows in sun, drips in the rain, shields me from the eyes passing by, and offers a sanctuary. 

Cat & mouse, Anna Sublet

We have no need to erect a barrier these days. The kids have grown bigger and are breaking away every day. The ball games are played in parks and schoolyards now, not our minuscule patch of grass. The flowers bloom, the rosemary keeps growing and the hardy old roses, removed to make way for my indigenous beauties, have poked their stems through again, making an attempt to reassert their place.

They say it's good to stop and smell the roses, but my native fringe of leaves will do me any day. 

(c) Anna Sublet


  1. What a lovely garden you have Anna! I love that you went with the native trees, and that the roses are coming through again. Is that your kitty? So exotic!

    1. That kitty is a beautiful killing machine! No, not ours. He is very patient when his eyes are on a kill. I like it when he visits. Right now, the garden has erupted in wattle blossom. Smells gorgeous. It is such a small space, the trees are even getting too large. Thanks for reading!


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