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I love wrapping things. I think I hide a nerdy craft fiend in my psyche, albeit a lazy one!

This little post on wrapping using Washi tape made me excited to wrap. (Pip Lincolne, of Meet Me at Mikes, posted it on Twitter. Thanks Pip!) It's on the Notemaker blog which I think I'll definitely be coming back to visit. 

Posted by guest Bec, it has some gorgeous suggestions, like little tips on making flags on string and using a 'heart-shaped punch' (love that phrase) on the tape to make stickers for decoration. I have moved on from the tape, as much as I love it, to other found objects these days.

Paper from the Design Files House-oh my!

I like to use all manner of recycled paper including newspapers, magazines, catalogues, flyers. I try not to use commercial wrapping paper, and find papers like Broadsheet to be a great size and image source. You could use the Astor film calendar, or road maps or fabric patterns. Fabric itself is great for bundling: one linen present can wrap itself around another gift. Win-win!

Callistemon sprigs

Using sprigs straight from the garden is another lovely way to fancy up a present. Especially suited in this present above as it contained a herb jar/vase. You can use rosemary, native plants, lavender, or lovely olive leaves. For tying, garden twine is a lovely bright green, and strong to boot=bonus!

Bingle Jells and stripey strings

Or there is your popular stripey string. I get mine from Blank Goods who have the most awesome collection of decorations, boxes, paper and stickers. (Check them out if feeling the need to create.)

The bonbon effect-nice.

Instead of sticking, try scrunching and tying. A strip of colour can be used across the middle of any old brown paper to brighten up the package. You'd be surprised at the beautiful images to be found in standard newspapers too, with their proliferation of photographs.

Staples-oh, yeah! Holding it all together at Xmas time. Phew.

For me, Christmas can truly be a trying time, so I make it a tying time (sorry) and wrap myself into sanity, satisfaction and calm. Wrapping even makes me look forward to that time of year. Until then, I just have to look forward to the next birthday...Oh wait, is that mine? How are we going to wrap two tickets to New York!?


  1. How gorgeous, Anna! SUPER pretty. I love the SPRIGS! x

    1. Thanks Pip! Bit of fun for an amateur. Might have to do something about my atlas collection soon. This paper/crafty stuff is quite uplifting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lovely Anna. Such a simple thing. Am going to try to be more organised so I have time to do something lovely like this. And I think it makes the receiver of the gift feel even more special.

    1. Win/win! You're right Collette-people seem to appreciate something done with thought and effort, whether it's artwork, cooking a meal, or finding something unusual wrapped in a map of their home town. Thanks for stopping by and reading.


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